The INN-LINK-S Research Unit has the purpose of integrating skills and abilities that are present horizontally in various Departments of the University in order to develop more efficiently research activities in projects and programmes, both at the national and international levels, devoted to the development of innovative systems for the conservation, valorisation and management of local systems of knowledge as expressions of the cultural relation between society and nature, as well as of a sustainable management of natural resources.
Research activities are characterised by a systemic approach directed to the integration of quantitative scientific-experimental research methods and tools with qualitative research tools for knowledge management.
This translates into the development of activities such as:
- the localisation, identification, representation, modelling and codifying of local and implicit knowledges;
- classification, organization and communication;
- design of innovative learning and communication skills;
- design and experimentation concerning sustainable innovation of local and implicit knowledges.

5 recent research projects
2014| 2016 3D Design pour le Développement Durable des Productions Artisanales Locales TEMPUS programme Trans-European Mobility scheme for University Studies Head and coordinator of the project: Giuseppe Lotti 2012|2014 VERSUS Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture EU Culture Programme 2007-2013 Head of the project: Saverio Mecca 2010|2012 ARTIMED Sviluppo dei Saperi artigianali tradizionali e integrazione dei sistemi produttivi in Marocco e in Italia Programme for the Support to Regional Cooperation, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development – sub-project coordinated by the Tuscan Region. Head of the project: Giuseppe Lotti 2009|2011 Terra [In]cognita. Earthen architecture in Europe EU Culture Programme 2007-2013 Head of project: Saverio Mecca 2007|2009 Coupoles & Habitat Une tradition constructive entre Orient et Occident EU Culture Programme 2000 Head and Coordinator of the project: Saverio Mecca

5 recent publications
Fioravanti, M., Mecca, S. (eds.) (2011). The safeguard of Cultural Heritage. A challenge from the past for the Europe of tomorrow, Florence: FUP. Correia, M., Dipasquale, L., Mecca, S. (eds.) (2011). Terra Europae, Earthen Architecture in the European Union, Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Lotti,G., Kabbaj, K., Serpente, I. (eds.) Edizioni ETS Lotti, G. (2010). Territori & Connessioni. Design come attore della dialettica tra locale e globale. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, ISBN:9788846726179. Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L. (2009). Earthen Domes and habitats. The Villages of Northern Syria. An architectural tradition shared by east and west, Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Mecca, S., Dipasquale, L., Rovero, L., Tonietti, U. E Volpi, V. (eds.) (2010). Chefchaouen, Architettura e cultura costruttiva. Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
Coordinator Saverio Mecca Department of Architecture
Composition of the research unit DIDA Department of Architecture Saverio Mecca Giuseppe Lotti Ugo Tonietti Luisa Rovero Raffaele Paloscia Roberto Sabelli
GESAAF Department of Management of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Systems Marco Fioravanti Susanna Nocentini Matteo Barbari
DINFO Department of Information Engineering Enrico Vicario
DISPAA Department of Sciences of Agro-food Production and of the Environment Piero Bruschi Maria Adele Signorini
DISEI Department of Business and Economics Nicolo’ Bellanca Mauro Lombardi
SCIFOPSI Department of Education Sciences and Psychology Paolo Orefice Giovanna Del Gobbo
SAGAS Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performing Arts Maria Elena Giusti Mirella Loda