via Micheli, 2 - Tel. 055 2756448 Houses the Library, the International Relations and Erasmus Office, the Cartography Laboratory (Lcart) and various teachers study rooms. It is one of the sites, together with Palazzo Vegni, which was transformed in the Sixties from a private residence into a part of the University. It currently hosts the Architectural Library, the Stone Material Laboratory, the Map Collection and several offices for teaching staff. The construction of the building began in 1664, under Gherardo Silvani. The ceilings and walls of the apartments of the Palazzo Tommaso Guadagni were partly decorated. The rooms that house the library are an example of this.
from- “ Le sedi storiche della Facoltà di Architettura” – Alessandro Gambuti “ Palazzo San Clemente”- OCTAVO Franco Cantini Editore 1996 |
Offices Library Teaching Staff Study Rooms Laboratories |
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