The Department of Architecture is guided by the Head of Department, Professor Saverio Mecca, who represents the department to all legal effects, guarantees its autonomy as a cultural unit, and promotes and coordinates institutional activities. The Head of Department is, together with the Council and the Board, a governing body of the Department. These are some of the attributions of the Head of Department: announces the election of representatives for the Departmental bodies; summons and presides the Council and Board of the Department, decides the agenda and executes, together with the administrative officer, the decisions and resolutions taken. Also with the help of the administrative officer, each financial year the Head of Department prepares and presents for the Council's approval the documents and records regarding the estimated budget, as well as the final balance, as determined by the University rules and regulations regarding administration, finance and accounting; the Head of Department also presents for the approval of the Council an account of the Departmental activities for the preceding academic year, and presents the said account to the Dean; he also undertakes the biennial publication of a report of the research and transfer of knowledge to be included in the departmental website; presents the agreements between the Department and third parties to the approval of the Council, and sees to their execution; supervises the proper carrying out of educational and research activities; undertakes the duties of the President of the Faculty, in accordance with the decree of the Dean of the University of Florence of 27 July, 2011, n° 693 (prot. 48573) on the “Rules and regulations regarding incompatibility and authorisations for paid appointments for teaching and research staff”; supervises the operation of structures and services with the purposes of insuring the correct undertaking of activities and determining responsibilities; supervises the correct observance within the Department of the laws, the Charter and of the rules and regulations; executes agreements and authorises payments regarding instruments, works undertaken and materials, except in those cases where those responsible for research groups or sections have the autonomy to do so; takes urgent and non deferrable actions, specifying the causes for the said urgency, and communicates them to the Council for approval. The Head of Department is elected by the Council amongst the full-time professors of the Department, except in exceptional cases as determined by the law. The Head of Department is appointed through a decree from the Dean. The appointment of the Head of Department has a duration of four academic years and he may be re-elected only once, consecutively. The Head of Department may appoint a Deputy Head of Department from the members of the Council. The vice-Head of Department assists the Head of Department, and substitutes for him in case of absence or impediment. Furthermore, the Head of Department may entrust -even for a predetermined period of time- the undertaking of certain tasks (with the exception of those referred to in c.2 of art. 16 of the Rules and Regulations of Departments) to members of the Council or the Board, decision which is to be communicated to the Council at the first subsequent meeting.
Rectoral Decree n° 721 of 17/7/2013 - “University Regulations for Departments”, art.15,16,17 Rectoral Decree n° 74 of 30/1/2013 - “Internal Regulations of the Department of Architecture”, art. 11 |
Head of Department R.A.D.
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