Minor or lesser known historic centres which characterise human settlements with their presence, need special tools for their analysis and management. The close connection with the morphological and geological characters of the land on which they stand, the proximity to agricultural or silvopastoral areas, the need to adapt to modern dwelling requirements and the fragile built fabric, the relationship with local economic activities, and the sharing of development projects between public and private entities, are but some of the aspects that must be taken into consideration when undertaking virtuous conservation, management, valorisation and promotion pathways.
When undertaking research a new cultural approach to the issues related to minor historic centres will be considered as a priority. An approach aimed at recognising the historical characters that have contributed over time to determine the peculiar layout of every centre, both as an urban structure and from the economic and social point of view. The synergy between different fields, from archaeology to the history of art, architecture, sociology and economy, together with the survey of tangible data from the land and the city, will be considered prioritary to monothematic studies, in the belief that the continuous exchange of information derived from different fields and points of view is the only way to stimulate innovative work hypothesis.
The Research Unit aims to activate the pathways for understanding the processes of historical, environmental and socio-economic creation and transformation of the objects of study, with the purpose of providing support for the subsequent phases involving the conception of design and planning proposals for assisting in the management, promotion and safeguard of the historic centres.
- Documentation on minor historical centres aimed at the safeguard and and valorisation of the built heritage;
- Management of settlements aimed at the promotion of a sustainable and informed tourism;
- Creation of virtual models for consultation aimed at divulgation and in support of governance;
- Information on European, national and regional public financing;
- Economic and financial analysis of investments included in the municipal Public Works Plan for identifying public financing opportunities;
- Socio-economic analysis of the territory in support of the Structural Plan and of the Urban Planning Regulations;
- Economic, financial, and urban feasibility studies regarding specific interventions;
- Commercial, touristic and promotion development planning, as well as for the valorisation of cultural assets;
- Regional marketing plans for attracting Italian and foreign investment;
- Provisions for applying to public financing for investments.

5 recent research projects
2014|2015 Documentazione, valorizzazione e gestione dei centri storici minori Research Project Head of project: Alessandro Merlo - Riccardo Butini 2013|2015 Game engine for cultural heritage. New opportunities in the relation between simplified models and database Joint research project: Italy-Spain Head of project: Alessandro Merlo - Eduardo Vedrell Vidal 2010|2013 Rilievo e documentazione del borgo murato di Pietrabuona (Pescia - Pistoia) Scientific research project -University of Florence - Fondazione Caripit – Municipality of Pescia Head of project: Alessandro Merlo 2008|2011 Rilievo e documentazione dei nuclei insediativi minori della Svizzera Pesciatina: Sorana (Pescia - Pistoia) Scientific research project -University of Florence - Fondazione Caripit – Municipality of Pescia Head of project: Alessandro Merlo 2006|2009 Rilievo e documentazione dei nuclei insediativi minori della Svizzera Pesciatina: Aramo (Pescia - Pistoia) Scientific research project -University of Florence - Fondazione Caripit – Municipality of Pescia Head of project: Alessandro Merlo

5 recent publications
Merlo A., Lavoratti G. (eds.) (2009), Il progetto nel contesto storicizzato: esempi a confronto, Florence: Alinea. Merlo A. (2010), Il castello di Sorana, Pisa: ETS. Merlo A. (2012), Il castello di Pietrabuona, Pisa: ETS. Merlo A., Lavoratti G. (eds.) (2014), Strategie per la salvaguardia e valorizzazione degli insediamenti medievali, Florence: DIDA. AA.VV., La Valleriana, in ‘L’Universo’, nn. 1-6, 2014.
Coordinator Alessandro Merlo
approved by the DIDA Department Council on 2 April, 2014
Composition of the research unit DIDA Department of Architecture
Alberto Bove Riccardo Butini Paola Gallo Alessandro Merlo Iacopo Zetti
SAGAS Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Art and Performing Arts
Carla Giuseppina Romby
External collaborators
Andrea Aliperta Massimiliano Bini Sandro Danesi Simone De Fraja Serena Di Grazia Franco Filippelli Stefania Franceschi Giulia Galeotti Leonardo Germani Cinzia Jelencovich Gaia Lavoratti Antonino Meo Emanuela Morelli Uliva Velo
Collaboration agreements
Anci Toscana Comune di Pescia (PT) Comune di Valbrevenna (GE) Museo della Carta Onlus Comune di Pelago (FI) Ente Parco dell'Antola