TESIS “Technologies and Systems for Social and Health Structures” is an Inter-University Research Centre focused on the development of tools, technologies and methodologies for bettering the structural system of health and social services, for promoting the welfare and health of citizens through research activities which concern all phases of the building process: from planning and design, to construction, management, use and maintenance.
TESIS is structured as a multidisciplinary scientific network which includes researchers, designers, environmental psychologists, doctors, economists, historians, sociologists and technical physicists belonging to the universities of Florence and “La Sapienza” in Rome.
The centre specializes in the following fields and professional sectors:
- planning and programming;
- construction planning and design;
- systems planning and design;
- technical physics and environmental health;
- health hygienics;
- technical legislation;
- tender and concession procedures;
- quality control;
- economics of the building process;
- economic assessment of the project;
- appraisal;
- psychology and sociology;
- medical humanities.
TESIS “Technologies and Systems for Social and Health Structures” promotes and supports the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration between teachers and researchers engaged in research and teaching activities on topics related to the systems and technologies used in their specific fields of interest.
The aim of TESIS, as defined by its statutes and progressively expanded through the years, is precisely that of constructing a permanent network for the exchange of information with structures, organizations and institutions, both public and private, and of stimulating innovation in the building of health and social structures, especially hospitals and schools.
The activities of TESIS tend today towards emphasizing scientific exchange and collaboration at an international level.
TESIS research projects are aimed at developing cognitive and operative contributions that are useful for health and social structures from the level of the building itself, to that of the whole system of regional services for the community.
For this purpose TESIS creates methodological and instrumental frameworks for an efficient design of the architectural configuration of health and social structures from the typological, organizational, functional and technological points of view.
The main stimulus for the development of research activities at TESIS is the awareness of the strategic role that health and social infrastructures will play in the near future en relation to the following issues:
- the radical transformations to which the health industry will be subjected to due to the transition from a cure-oriented to a prognostic and personalized health system, as well as to the use of progressively more sophisticated technologies and the effects of translational research;
- to the progressive importance of the role that social structures will play in the welfare of citizens;
- the strategic role that will be played, in this context, by educational structures at all levels.
Consistently with the operational nature of the results, the specific objectives of the TESIS research activities concerning health and social structures are the following:
- the identification – in relation to the national and international contexts and the future strategic projections – of the organizational-managerial and spatial-functional logics of the typologies addressed;
- the verification of the potentialities and limits of the current legislation concerning socio-sanitary planning and design;
- the individuation of evolutionary trends in the field of health services and of policies and social rights with the purpose of constructing a referential framework in which to place the decision-making processes of a specifically technical and design-related nature;
- the identification of organizational and operative procedures in use today -and in a hypothetical future- in the context of the community, as actions for the promotion of people's health and welfare;
- the creation of innovative models aimed to support and foster a process of true integration, from the organizational-functional point of view, of innovative services which characterize the structures in question;
- the creation of operational tools in support of the decision-making processes of operators.