Educational Objectives The programme focuses on various aspects related to urban and landscape planning and design, with a special attention to the relationship between spatial planning and design, and regional government. It explores methodologies, approaches, policies and tools for the analysis of contemporary regional urban planning processes (bio-regional dynamics, polycentric models, metropolitan and post-metropolitan morphotypologies), and for the construction of integrated and participative strategic scenarios and regional projects. It also carries out an in-depth analysis of environmental questions with a special focus on the ecology of the region and regional policies regarding sustainability. The programme fosters a critical approach to planning strategies, inquiring on the multiplicity of interpretations and scientific contributions, from an international perspective that is both comparative and integrated, aimed at finding those strategies that are more adequately adaptable to the local contexts in question. It orients the educational and training processes towards on-field research methodologies, promoting contact with the various stakeholders active in the region. It focuses especially on the following research areas:
Training Programme Objectives The Training Programme aims at satisfying the following objectives: (1) to train young researchers that are capable of both interacting with the international academic community and facing the social questions emerging from a variety of contexts; (2) to build national and international networks for training and education in research, establishing contacts and creating opportunities for collaboration with other PhD programmes in Italy in the field of urban and regional studies; (3) to increase studies on research methodologies for PhD training, with a special focus on the recognition and use of research agreements in the field studied, as well as on established 'knowledges' (techniques or theories); (4) to orient PhD education towards the questions and problems related to research, focusing on the commitment on inter-disciplinary analysis and the centrality of the social usefulness of scientific research; (5) to guarantee the interconnection between research, learning and action, fostering the integration between teachers, PhD students and social demands, in the construction of the educational offer and seminar activities; (6) to build a relationship between the PhD programme, public institutions, and enterprises, both public and private, with the purpose of establishing the number and quality of research and career opportunities for PhD Candidates in various fields.
Activities For that purpose, the programme organises its educational offer according to 5 types of activities and cycles of lectures:
Contact Prof.ssa Camilla Perrone
Teaching staff Camilla Perrone
PhD candidates Cycle XXVIII Mariano Gesualdi Stefano Reyes Cycle XXIX Manuel Marin Mohsen Melat Ahmad Shirvani Cycle XXX Andrea Alcalini Benedetta Caprotti Alexander Palummo Cycle XXXI Antonella Granatiero Raffaella Fucile Chiara Agnoletti Gino Peres Lancillotti Massimo Parrini
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