The Laboratorio Modelli per l’Architettura was set with the aim of offering scientific and theoretical aid to students, professors and researchers over architectural models. The equipment of the laboratory is constantly update to increase the expressive possibilities of the scaled object. In detail up today, in the laboratory there are:
The services offered are dedicated to all the undergraduates, PhD students, scholarship owners, researchers, professors and teaching fellows of the Scuola di Architettura to develop projects applicable to the teaching and research also connected to agreements and works under contracts stipulated with the Ateneo Fiorentino. The staff of the laboratory offers aid for the design of 3D printable models, the proper composition of files for laser cutting and the acquisition of three-dimensional data through Structured-light 3D scanners.
TimetableMonday to Thursday: 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM, 2.00 PM to 6.30 PM On Friday afternoon the service is limited to counselling and rental of woodcarving tools
InternshipsAt Laboratorio Modelli per l’Architettura is possible to activate both curricular and extra-curricular internships for whom will require them, according to Regolamento DIDALABS – Sistema dei Laboratori del Dipartimento di Arhitettura DIDA art. 9 c.3.
Research and SharingActivation of Research agreements, the design and realization of architectural models for the documentation and representation of buildings of a specific historical interest, collaboration to exhibits and events connected to various fields of architecture, scanning of art works with the aim of the collection of data and their digital dissemination.
Scientific Director
Laboratory Headquarters direttore-lma
Last update