Il Dottorato di Architettura ha come obiettivo strategico primario, di interesse nazionale e sovranazionale e di valenza culturale ed economica, la cura e la valorizzazione sostenibile dei patrimoni territoriali, dai paesaggi alle città, agli edifici, agli oggetti d’uso.
PHD PROGRAM IN ARCHITECTURE The primary strategic objective of the PhD in Architecture, at national and supranational level and in cultural and economic terms, is the conservation and sustainable enhancement of the cultural heritage, from landscapes and cities to buildings and artefacts.The aim is to train highly qualified researchers and professionals capable of both contributing to and passing on comprehensive knowledge of the disciplinary fields and of collaborating, with a proactive and executive attitude, with the entities involved. All the classical branches of architecture-related knowledge are covered (history of architecture and design, urban planning, landscape architecture, architectural design, building restoration, technology, physics, science and construction technology, industrial design, real estate appraisal) and mutually integrated. Other disciplinary areas are already involved (mathematics, social sciences, historical sciences, physical sciences). This disciplinary integration allows doctoral candidates to experiment with various types of research methods using both traditional tools and innovative technologies. Exchanges with similar international research facilities must meet the transnational nature of the objective. Professional and employment opportunities The first opportunity is research, either at a university or organized by other research centres, or in the industrial production sector, in the many fields related to the construction industry and architecture. The high qualifications offered by the programme allow graduate students to operate in very interesting and highly dynamic fields, and in state-of-the-art technological conditions. There are numerous technical employment opportunities relating to different skills in the various sectors of the public administration, at local, regional, state and EU levels, and in private enterprises. |
Coordinatore Prof. Giuseppe De Luca Tel. 055 2756475 Curricula Progettazione architettonica e urbana Tecnologie dell'Architettura Storia dell'architettura e della città Design Rilievo e Rappresentazione dell’Architettura e dell’Ambiente Strutture e restauro dell’Architettura e del patrimonio culturale Architettura del Paesaggio Progettazione Urbanistica e Territoriale