Contenuto fisarmonica
Contenuto fisarmonica
Contenuto fisarmonica
University of Genoa and in particular the Dep. of Architecture and Design (dAD) has a wide experience in coordinating and developing activities in the field of scientific research on territorial, technological, urban and architectural subjects. Such studies and works are mainly destined to the analysis of specific problems in balanced territorial and environmentally-sustainable development in specific areas and contexts.
The GENOVA RU focus on environmental assessment, considering the management of natural resources in the perspective of bioregionalism. In compliance with the bioregionalist vision, natural resources (water, soils, energy, air, vegetation, fauna) are treated as part of the ecosystem, therefore all actions affecting them must be aimed at circularity, sustainable use, reproducibility, closure of local cycles. This goal can be pursued only starting from the concept of resources as natural heritage, mainly consisting of commons and public goods. The RU concentrate (at the methodological level) on improving some indicators, such as index of biocapacity and local ecological footprint. Following the general theory of project and the bioregionalist approach, the research considers some experiences that occur in territories where initiatives of resource management and transformation control have been launched, and where agreements between local authorities and Universities are in force: the Argentina Valley and the valleys of Albenga in Western Liguria, the Fontanabuona Valley and the interior Tigullio in the Genova area, the Val di Vara in Eastern Liguria.
Research Unit Members:
Giampiero Lombardini, Associate Professor (associated PIs)
Roberto Bobbio, Full Professor
Giorgia Tucci, Assistant Professor
Nicola Canessa, Assistant Professor
Andrea Vergano, Research Fellow
Fabio Palazzo, Adjunct Professor
Contenuto fisarmonica