Bioregional planning tools to co-design life places


The scientific impact of the Research primarily concerns an overcoming of the criticalities of the current Italian planning system, which is still top-down, sector-based and in many cases organised on a vertical subsidiarity principle. According to the town planning national and regional laws, the top-down planning process affects a homogeneous territory, establishing the boundaries of the topographic modalities of its operation. It is necessary to move from such a vertical hierarchy to a real horizontal integration. We need to bring out adaptive relational fields that can forge agreements and trigger new regulatory projects. Ordinary and traditional planning tools seem to be largely ineffective and inadequate to govern urban and regional processes in the field of natural resources management. Thus, we propose new sets of bioregional tools to preserve natural resources, to arrive progressively to rethink the very "government/governance systems" and any effective planning instrument connected to them. In general terms, the research provides advancements under the following aspects:

  • overcoming the criticalities of some traditional planning practices in Italy in the field of environmental sustainability;
  • introducing a planning approach interpreting a life place as a common for all human and non-human living beings;
  • introducing a vision of self-sustainability linked to the local regeneration of natural resources;
  • providing an incremental and progressive adaptation of institutional governance and planning tools to the bioregional paradigm;
  • disseminating, testing and codifying in Italy a fruitful and innovative approach already in use in other European and international contexts;
  • spreading methodologies of interaction between scientific and contextual knowledge apt to bring advancement, implementation and multiplication of knowledge.

R1_ Position Paper / La bioregione urbana: territorio essere vivente.

Considerazioni sulla contemporaneità della “natura” e sugli strumenti di governo del territorio, a cura di Daniela Poli e Giulia Luciani con il contributo di Alberto Budoni, Fabio Parascandolo e Andrea Vergano (13.11.2024)

Le note che seguono scaturiscono dalle riflessioni avviate all’interno del PRIN BioCode 2022 “Bioregional planning tools to co-design life places. Empowering local communities to manage and protect natural resources” con le UdR di Firenze, Palermo, Cagliari, Molise, La Sapienza di Roma.

Position Paper_La bioregione urbana: territorio essere vivente


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